Slipping the leash off conventional event delivery

Exceptional events without the constraints and costs of the traditional agency model.

Slipping the leash off conventional event production



Our Work



An alternative concept in full-service event engineering.

Exceptional client-centric attitude

Exceptional client-centric attitude

We have one aspiration – to work with ‘best in class’ corporate clients and to partner likeminded business and service suppliers.

Genuinely transparent, cost effective and procurement friendly

Genuinely transparent, cost effective and procurement friendly

We act as agent, not principal and we are more than happy for you to sign our supplier contracts should you wish; your money is safe and the terms of trading are well known in advance. We charge realistic fees and NEVER mark costs up.

Unrivaled collective industry experience

Unrivalled collective industry experience

We are an alliance of multi-disciplined industry professionals; we are not constrained by the office ‘gene pool’ and we do not have swanky offices to pay for (although we like to think ours are small but perfectly formed).


The net result to you is the provision of highly skilled personnel and honest value for money.

Connected and fun to work with

Connected and fun to work with

We know the same hoteliers, DMCs and venues as the ‘big boy’ agencies, in fact, we probably try harder to find the perfect fit for you without ‘pushing’ you towards venues that provide a better return for the agency.


We are offered the same group rates as others and we negotiate hard on your behalf for ‘value added’ benefits. Obtaining value for our clients is in our DNA.

Purple Dog Solutions offers exceptional collective experience – inspired by you

Purple Dog Solutions offers exceptional collective experience – inspired by you

We look in-depth at your brief, your company culture, your objectives and we bring together the most appropriate team of professional associates tailored to your requirements. Essentially, every single touch point you have with Purple Dog Solutions will be personal and unique to your organisation.


Our aim is to emulate the already transparent corporate supply structure that you likely subscribe to. We listen to your concerns, challenges and vision for the future in order to provide a transparent, innovative and cost-effective alternative to the event industry mainstream.


Our aim – to engage, create & enjoy a mutually beneficial working relationship.

Our aim – to engage, create & enjoy a mutually beneficial working relationship.


Our aim – to engage, create & enjoy a mutually beneficial working relationship.

Our aim – to engage, create & enjoy a mutually beneficial working relationship.
Logistics excellence

Logistics excellence

We regard our logistics professionals as every bit the heroes – the devil is in the detail as they say and we dot every ‘i’ and cross every ‘t’, leaving absolutely nothing to chance.


We can even dovetail into your existing supplier set up, providing you with the appropriate level of logistical service as required.

Product launches

Product launches

With experience of automotive, consumer electronic and even company re-brands, we understand that when you launch a product or service to press, dealers, employees, customers or channel partners, you only have one shot at getting it right and we can help you do just that.


But don’t just take our word for it, request a case study from us.

Production services

Production services

Often thought of as the scientific part of event management supply, we understand that there are different requirements and budgets for different event types.  As such, we don’t own our own audio visual ‘kit’ or fully branded 18 wheeler trucks, instead, we work with a number of associate partners and manage the delivery of full and exacting production values to suit your requirements and budget.


Case studies are available for some of the work we have undertaken – ask to see them.

Incentive travel

Incentive travel

We are incentive travel ‘architects’; nothing we provide is ‘off the shelf’, meaning that we style the programme to your budget and brief.


Our programmes are all bespoke and whatever your available budget or preferred destination, we always remember that your delegates have not necessarily chosen the destination themselves, so we want to offer them a ‘wow’ or two! The world really is your oyster, so let’s think big and bold be it for a sailing regatta on the Solent, taking over a private lodge in the Okavango or a European city experience, with a twist.

Our work

We don’t bite, honest. Take a closer look at some of our work.

We are not a ‘shouty’ agency about our work, however, we hope the case studies below provide you with some insight into our capabilities.  We keep the identity of our day-to-day clients off any case studies in order to protect their privacy. Please do contact us if you require any more information on our services and experience.

  • Bringing together 300 Senior Leaders from around the world into Orange County for conferencing, ‘best of the best’ local activities and immersive dining experiences.

  • New vehicle - new segment - new take on a dynamic press launch with guests from over 25 countries.

  • Press & Influencers for a multi-product launch for this aspirational brand; we had responsibility for production management, immersive branding, entertainment and logistics for hundreds in three countries over one week.

  • This annual PR event for 250 execs & influencers at Soho Farmhouse, mixed client innovation, presentations, summer party and celebrity panellist discussions.

Want to know more?

What people say

“Purple Dog Solutions is not just an agency with dedicated Project Managers who know how to run events smoothly, they bring so much more to the table; explanation on all topics which give you proper insight, a calm manner, wit and humour. That mix ensures professionalism with a smile and a good all-round feeling.  An additional benefit to add, something so often missed by agencies, but never taken for granted by a client, would be about Purple Dog Solutions’ dedicated team ethos, I came on site to find all the pre-event work finished; no back log, no loose ends. It was amazing to just be able to start running a complex event from the moment I landed.”

Toyota Product Communications Executive

“Purple Dog was a great partner to work with on our annual partner event in the UK. They had a strategic approach to our business and were able to manage our program from end-to-end, keeping focused on the creative vision of the event while ensuring all details were covered.”

Head of Industry Relations, Pinterest Headquarters

“I enlisted the support of Purple Dog Solutions for a series of major launch events in Europe in 2015. The challenges associated with the project were addressed with the utmost professionalism and without exception, problems were only ever presented as part of a workable solution. Having a turnkey solution allowed accessibility to a unique and flexible wealth of skills and experience that greatly benefited the overall project and ensured that no detail was left to chance. Overall, Purple Dog Solutions, as the name infers, is a trusting & faithful companion and so much more. They offer a premium, cost-efficient and bespoke solution that delivers exactly what you need, where you need it and when you need it”.

PR Manager Europe, Bose Corporation

“Chris has been the outstanding service provider in this sector in the UK over the past 15 years for us. His mastery of client needs at corporate events meant we could commission him for major projects and recommend him to our own top clients without reservation. He delivers superb results!”

Owner, The Aspiration Partnership

“I would highly recommend Chris. As is evident in his transparent approach to his new business, Chris is straightforward and honest, He does everything humanly (and sometimes seemingly super-humanly) possible to make the event not only meet business objectives, but to surpass wildest expectations. He is creative, industrious and positive. A genuine person ready to help clients realize their vision. I have worked on several incredibly complicated and large-scale important product launch events with Chris. He not only knows how to keep clients calm among stressful situations, he also knows how to inspire his team and keep them motivated. I feel lucky to have had him leading these events with me.”

Global Display Category Manager Personal Audio, Bose Corporation

“The press launch of the new LS that was organised in December 2018 in Oman, was one of the most challenging events Lexus Europe has set up in the last years. It was also one of the most rewarding. Media reactions were overwhelmingly positive, praising both the destination as such, and the detailed execution of the programme. The event was delivered by an international team of people from Oman, Dubai, Europe and Japan, under the strong management of Purple Dog Solutions. Chris and his team have tirelessly worked to make this event happen and to ensure perfect implementation. They were a highly professional, reliable, result-driven and efficient partner. And beyond this, working with them was a real pleasure, day after day.”

Lexus Europe Executive

“The brief was dare to be different, and your team certainly delivered.  The team helped us to manage the project, kept us on time, helped with communications of the event and took away all the stress in the run up to the award ceremony and on the night!

Your team did an amazing job turning the venue into the place we had imagined, adding the popping neon lights for free was a great touch and made a massive difference to the stage, thank you!

The 2019 Star Awards wowed the award winners and guests.  The feedback from the teams has been great, with everyone enjoying the event and praising the format.  Thank you for all the hard work and effort you and your teams put into creating this event.”

Head of People, Virgin Active

“We’ve challenged Purple Dog Solutions with presenting us with the two different set ups within the single venue that would reflect and highlight the PR stories behind the two distinct products we were launching. We (as well as our media guests) were impressed by the massive production and original set up that was nothing like we did before for the product presentation. From initial sketch rendering to the final build – it was a professional and creative collaboration with flawless delivery of the end production.”

Lexus Europe Product Communications Executive
A pedigree breed of professional associates

Our team

A pedigree breed of professional associates.

Purple Dog Solutions is a collective of fabulous people; professional yet fun, hard working and passionate and most of all, when our freelance associates work with a Purple Dog client, they have the clients’ best interests at the heart of all they do. Our team includes the following freelance associates, all of whom look much better in the flesh, clearly!

Our team

A pedigree breed of professional associates.

Purple Dog Solutions is a collective of fabulous people; professional yet fun, hard working and passionate and most of all, when our freelance associates work with a Purple Dog client, they have the clients’ best interests at the heart of all we do. Our team includes the following associates, all of whom look much better in the flesh, clearly!

A pedigree breed of professional associates

Chris Clarke (owner)

The proud Principal of the agency and bringer-together of this awesome collective of industry friends (hmm, what is the collective noun for a group of the industry’s best talent?… maybe a ‘glitter’); Chris brings his own couple of decades worth of experience and somewhat zany ideas into the mix.  Having worked with clients from a myriad of industries, creating events that have gone live all over the world, his passion will shine through.  Purple Dog Solutions, along with his animal friends, red wine, travel and laughing, would probably be high up there on the list of his favourite thing

Robin Dixon

Robin Dixon (freelance)

Robin is a man that really has been there and done that. He won’t admit to being a plane spotter or ever so slightly OCD in the detail department… but he is and these traits make him the astounding all-rounder that he is in this rather random world of events. The original ‘safe pair of hands’ and a mad dog lover too!

Sarah Sheard (freelance)

Sarah owns dogs AND a husband, she also has a pedigree background in live marcoms events. Sarah is also a detail monster and loves nothing better than getting stuck in to the treacle-like world of spreadsheets, lists and working documents. With a long list of successful events under her belt, she brings a level-headed presence to the office. Oh, and she is also training to become a sailor!

Jo Randall

Jo Randall (freelance)

Jo is the original multi-tasker. She works at 100mph and is our data management ‘whizz kid’. Mad about music, festivals, martial arts and Ibiza, Jo brings a slightly surreal vibe to the office!  Jo is also the one to cut through the ‘flannel’ that the office creative types are sometimes very guilty of spouting. She is getting over her phobia of dogs, which the office dogs are most grateful for!

Denise Clifford (freelance)

Denise is our French speaking, Kent based, ‘cut to the chase’ team member; she has an incredible broad knowledge of the event world, having worked with just about every type of industry sector in dozens of destinations around the world.  Denise is equally at home sat behind a hospitality desk as she is the thick of sorting out a crisis… the consummate professional with a hilarious sense of humour!  Although one must never divulge a lady’s age, Denise has managed to go for some time without ever having driven on the ‘wrong’ side of the road, even though she has worked on numerous international automotive events – that is, until very recently.  Of course she was issued with a set of ‘P’ plates to warn other road users!

Glenda Daniels (freelance)

Another dog crazy events professional; Glenda owns the legend that is Pedro, a Lurcher that has his own special ‘reserved’ place at the local vets – all we can say is that thank goodness her daughter isn’t quite as accident prone!  Glenda is another of our linguists, speaking German, French and pretty decent Spanish (gotta love a clever-clogs haven’t you!).  On a serious note, Glenda has worked for both agencies and corporates over the years, so she is able to bring a rather unique client / supplier understanding to our little team and it will be no surprise to learn that she has been responsible for successfully delivering some outstanding events of all shapes, sizes and budgets.

James White (freelance)

James is a man that simply loves to get ‘stuck in’, whether that be controlling crowds, getting folk speedily on a bus or organising an airport operation – all with a wide grin and a naughty glint in his eye!  As one of our London-based associates, he is always happy to pack an overnight bag, passport and a smile and get to wherever we need him, in fact, James simply thrives on the lack of routine that is this wonderful, crazy industry.  James is the absolute antidote to all things mundane and he is guaranteed to make you chuckle regularly (often with him and occasionally at him!).

Lindsey Taylor-Fullman (freelance)

Lindsey is the one on the left, in case you were wondering… as you can tell, she is rather fond of the Manics (which could possibly be the biggest understatement, ever!).  Lindsey is part time office based, helping us keep the show on the road when we are out and about. She also assists us with the production of proposals, research, managing our databases and generally keeping the office ship shape – we do let her out at times to help us whenever we need that spare pair of hands.  Lindsey has a dance-mad daughter, so often comes in sleep deprived after burning the midnight oil in spray tan and glitter hell / heaven (tick as appropriate).

Mr Beaky (call centre)

At our previous office, Mr Beaky was located in an adjacent room and could often be heard manning the phones (he would have made a world-class nuisance call perpetrator given the chance), or answering the door to the postman (offering him tea, coffee or a glass of wine).  There are some exceptionally funny stories to be told about our bird-brained associate… feel free to ask!

Scout Clarke (meet & greet)

The scruffiest member of our team, Scout Clarke (or as we call her, our resident Polar Goat) is a regular at the office offering a four-legged meet and greet service to our visitors – or frankly, to anyone she can see, anywhere!  Scout, the Spinone Italiano will generally be found in the office with a stuffed toy in her mouth, a very waggy rear-end or simply dozing… she always knows where the heated floor is warmest!

Ellie Clarke (ex-security)

Ellie Clarke is the office senior, but she shows no sign of retiring any time soon! Our old gal is a bit deaf and has mild cataracts, therefore, guests are more often than not sat down with a coffee in hand before she realises we have visitors and then can’t be bothered to go greet them (she leaves that ‘chore’ to Scout).  She’s a loveable character who has had more than her fair share of human admirers over the years! R.I.P. Ellie-dog, you are missed x

Seth Clarke (ex-CFO – chief fetch officer)

Young Seth came to us recently after a hard upbringing, so he is still finding his (very big) feet.  This gentle giant has become a firm favourite in the office and can often be seen mugging poor Scout of any toy that she may be carrying, in order to bring it to one of his hoomans. He is a little reserved when he first meets people – but the moment he works out that most hoomans are good, he goes and grabs a toy and soon becomes their best buddy.  During his off duty hours, Seth is mostly cultivating his extraordinary moustache and beard. R.I.P. Seth-boy, you are missed x

News & Views

No more half chewed newspapers; stay up to date with the latest from our team and industry partners.

Purple Dog Views – more

  • …Clearly that was not the case, but with so much of the wet stuff cascading over the boarders of two countries, and fabulous wine to glug, why on earth would you stick to consuming H2O?

Industry News – more

  • Could hotel commission cuts spark a major shift in event agency business models?

Partner Content – more

Contact Us

Contact details

+44 (0) 7734 174841

Purple Dog Solutions Ltd
Main Road, Downderry
Torpoint, Cornwall
PL11 3LD

Registered in England 08495533 / VAT REG: GB 170536615

Purple Dog Solutions Ltd